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HomeUS NewsFormer President Obama, family attend Sasha Obama's USC graduation

Former President Obama, family attend Sasha Obama’s USC graduation

When the name “Natasha Obama” came up on the list of hundreds of students graduating from USC’s Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences on Friday morning, the crowd almost universally cheered for the former first daughter.

Sasha Obama, 21, beamed as she crossed the stage at Allyson Felix Field to commemorate her new sociology degree, as her sister and parents — the 44th president and former first lady — applauded in the audience.

But otherwise, Barack, Michelle and Malia Obama kept a low profile at USC’s graduation festivities, scooting out of the ceremony soon after their youngest daughter received her diploma — but not before buzz about the family’s presence had spread on social media and around campus.

“I was so excited to see Obama and Michelle,” said Michelle Davies, who also graduated Friday from the college. “I wanted a picture [with them] so bad, but then they left early. If I would have gotten a picture I would have passed out.”

The political science major, who is Black American, said she knew Sasha from around campus, noting that the African American community at USC is pretty small — but said it was a different level to see Barack and Michelle Obama on Friday.

“I waved at them and Michelle waved back at me,” she said, almost giddy.

Flanked by more than a dozen Secret Service agents , the Obamas didn’t address the crowd or take photos with attendees but cheered on the graduates and listened to the speakers. As Barack Obama walked out, he congratulated other parents and family members.

Alfred Chen and his friends rushed to the Dornsife College ceremony after getting a text that the Obamas were there.

“We tried to find them but we can’t, there’s so many people,” said Chen, who graduated from the engineering school Friday. Chen’s group even posed for a photo with the Dornsife College ceremony behind him, in the hopes that the Obamas might be in the background. (Unfortunately, they were not. Chen and his friends missed the family by about 10 minutes.)

Sharon MacDonnell had more luck as she waited for her son to walk across the stage. She was about as close as was possible to the Obamas as they walked out early from the ceremony.

“I came over to see him and then I spotted all the guys in suits,” she said. She said she got some good photos of the former president, and said as a USC alumni it was particularly special to see the former first family there.

Sasha was just 7 years old when her family moved into the White House in 2009. In 2019, she graduated from high school in Washington, D.C., two years after her father’s two terms as president. She initially attended the University of Michigan but transferred to USC.

Malia Obama also lives in L.A., where she’s working in the film industry.

This story originally appeared on LA Times

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