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HomeOpinionLetters to the Editor — May 12, 2023

Letters to the Editor — May 12, 2023

The Issue: A House committee’s finding that the Biden family was paid $10 million by foreign interests.


Rep. James Comer’s House Oversight Committee has presented a plethora of documents seemingly showing “Big Guy” President Biden involved in an influence-peddling scheme (“It pay$ to be a Biden,” May 11).

He and his family were enriched by foreign nationals. He has a chance to save himself from any more bombshell revelations and prosecution by resigning the presidency.

So here’s your opportunity, Biden.

Grab it while you can.

It’s only going to get worse for you.

Even if you have the support of the media, Big Tech, the FBI and the Justice Department, the American public is finally opening its eyes to your nefarious activities.

Joseph Valente

Staten Island

If there is a scintilla of truth to these allegations, Biden should be impeached.

This president has embarrassed his office and the entire country with his deception and ineptitude.

It doesn’t say much for those who elected him and continue to support him.

Americans should not tolerate corruption or the suspicion of it from their governmental leaders.

Jerry Chiappetta


What does it mean that the FBI has “refused” to cooperate and hand over documents that would help the House Oversight Committee (“FBI’s whistleblow no,” May 11)?

The FBI now has no rules?

The FBI thinks it’s more powerful than the Congress? What has happened to our country?

The Biden family is not the problem. The problem is President Biden — and slowly but surely the truth will come to light, despite the continued protection of the FBI, the Justice Department and the mainstream media.

Joe Nugent

Staten Island

Where are all the Woodwards and Bernsteins?

Why are we not seeing this troubling story covered by most news outlets?

Why was money transferred through so many LLCs?

This seems to be a Pulitzer-winning story waiting to be written.

The fact that this is not being covered validates so many no longer trusting the media.

D. Snyder

Baiting Hollow

Evidently Hunter is the “brains” behind his father.

After all, Joe did say Hunter was the smartest person he knew.

Obviously that’s the case, since he has been able to peddle the Biden connection into funds for almost the entire family.

You can bet that if this were a famous family in the Republican Party, no stone would be left unturned to prosecute them. Is there no one in power who finds these payments questionable besides Comer?

We are truly doomed if we continue to turn a blind eye and refuse to step up and look under these rocks.

The Bidens aren’t doomed, though. They will just keep collecting funds because they know no legal body will do anything about it.

Betsy Flor

Putnam Valley

I’m trying to choose which aspect of Biden is worse — his corrupt grifting or his incompetent policies.

Joe travels the world lecturing foreign governments on the evils of corruption while serving as the patriarch of the Biden family graft network. Payments from Romania were just the start. Money from China and Ukraine would follow.

On the other hand, his incompetent policies have caused the Afghanistan-withdrawal debacle, inflation, high energy prices and an open border. With respect to the border, the consequences include depressed wages for the working class and increasing taxes.

My choice is to vote Republican.

Kenneth Fitzgerald


With the breaking news by James Comer regarding the substantial cash payments to Biden family members from a corrupt Romanian businessman, it will be interesting to see if the Internal Revenue Service investigates the recipients for trying to hide the payments through a highly sophisticated LLC network.

I fear we are about to see just how bad the double standard of justice really is in our country.

Matthew Pease

Demarest, NJ

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This story originally appeared on NYPost

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