Step into the world of luxury with the captivating story of Simonetta Lein, the Italian-American sensation. Recognized as the Celebrity Media Personality & Influencer of the Year at the Cannes Film Festival 2022, Simonetta entrusts her enchanting property in the picturesque Pordenone countryside to none other than Lionard Luxury Real Estate.
The Luxurious Bioclimatic Villa in Friuli’s Countryside, priced at €1,850,000 holds more than just beauty and elegance. It stands as a testament to the harmonious blend of architecture and sustainability, proudly boasting the title of a “green building”. Designed according to the principles of bioclimatic architecture, this remarkable masterpiece maximizes its connection with nature, tapping into the energy of the sun through photovoltaic systems and integrating seamlessly with its surroundings.
In an era where environmental impact cannot be ignored, the significance of this villa reaches far beyond its stunning aesthetics. It serves as a symbol for conscious living, highlighting the urgent need for environmentally responsible construction. With the construction industry responsible for 37% of global carbon dioxide emissions, and consuming over 34% of global energy demand, the bioclimatic design of this extraordinary villa emerges as a pioneering solution.
This story originally appeared on Upscalelivingmag