Sunday, October 20, 2024
HomeHealthCampaign aims to combat isolation and suicidal thoughts among osteoporosis sufferers |...

Campaign aims to combat isolation and suicidal thoughts among osteoporosis sufferers | UK | News

Pain, mobility issues and a fear of breaking bones leave many too afraid to leave their homes.

While the insidious disease leads to the break down of bones, the resulting damage to mental health can be just as destructive, says the Royal Osteoporosis Society.

Research by the charity revealed 48 percent of sufferers said their condition had affected their emotional health.

The main reasons were the pain and cutting out activities they enjoy, while 92 percent said they were concerned about future falls or fractures.

The study also found 70 percent said a fear of fractures has had a significant impact on what they do, with 33 percent saying they feel socially isolated.

More than half have reduced or stopped pursuing hobbies or interests, 47 percent have seen their social activities impacted, half have reduced or stopped going on holiday, and 39 per cent have reduced or stopped visiting relatives.

Osteoporosis also affects people’s independence, with 42 percent having difficulty with domestic tasks, 34 percent finding it hard to move around the home, and 31 percent struggling with driving and using public transport.

The Sunday Express has teamed up with the ROS to launch the Better Bones campaign, aimed at ending the unnecessary suffering caused by the brittle bone disease.

A lack of resources across the UK means people may suffer bone fractures due to osteoporosis but are not diagnosed until the disease has turned into disability.

The campaign is calling for an extra £30million funding each year to improve the quality and coverage of specialist centres known as Fracture Liaison Clinics.

Currently a “postcode lottery” means some areas of the UK either lack resources or are not covered at all.

The clinics diagnose and treat the disease, preventing further breaks and reducing the risk of another fracture by 40 percent.

The campaign is calling for all over-50s to have access to dedicated bone specialists at these clinics and a Fracture Tsar to be appointed to each British nation.

Taking action now would save 8,000 lives over five years and slash £665million off NHS spending.

Osteoporosis can cause people to suffer spinal fractures simply by coughing, lifting or picking up a child.

ROS specialist nurse JuliaThomson manages the charity’s helplines. She said that some people live in such pain or isolation they have considered suicide.

She said: “We speak to people who are in that really extreme situation. With any chronic pain it can be so wearing and really beat people down.”

“If they are feeling particularly lonely and living without the support they need, it can get too much for some, sadly. We get a lot of callers who are in pain from the impact of fractures, and certainly, it is a lockdown that never ends.”

“We have always had a lockdown for our people, but since Covid many, especially the elderly, have never come out.The fear is still there – psychologically they’re still in that lockdown scenario although the world has supposedly opened up.”

“The fear of fracture is very powerful, it does restrict people and always has.”

“It is such a human response to stop doing things. But ironically that’s the worst thing you can do as bones need to be kept active. So if we can prevent those fractures in the first place, that’s the holy grail.”

“People feel lonely. If you stop socialising because you’re frightened, you lose those contacts. We also speak to people who have had spinal fractures as a result of picking up grandchildren, and not being able to do that anymore is really big.”

Half of women and a fifth of men over 50 will suffer a fracture due to osteoporosis.

One in four who suffer a hip fracture die in a year, and eight in ten will need to use a walking stick. Half of hip fracture patients had a previous fracture that could have flagged them as being at risk.

ROS chief executive Craig Jones said: “People talk about their world becoming much smaller, of feeling betrayed by their bodies. There is this sense that the condition cuts them off from the outside world.”

“We all know what that felt like from lockdown, but they are still feeling it.”

This story originally appeared on

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