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HomeTVBelow Deck Down Under Season 3, Episode 7 Recap

Below Deck Down Under Season 3, Episode 7 Recap

Welcome back for the Below Deck Down Under Season 3, Episode 7 recap. The ship show continues this week via a new episode titled “Declaration of Love.” With a new sous-chef in the galley and an always lovestruck (yet ill-equipped) Bosun on deck, the nautical narratives are equally miraculous and messy this week on Bravo. If you missed it, here is everything that went down in BDDU Season 3, Episode 7.

What happened in Below Deck Down Under Season 3, Episode 7?

Wihan loves Adair. After weeks of pining (and a few makeout sessions with others not named Adair), Wihan finally gathers his courage to let Adair know how he feels. Meanwhile, Alesia, the new sous-chef, bonds with Tzarina in the galley, offering us all a nice departure from the antics of her predecessor. Despite these uplifting (in theory) narratives, drama still enters the chat, courtesy of an uncommunicative Wihan.

Bri remains unsure of where she stands with Harry as Lara scolds Wihan, who confesses his feelings to Adair

Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

The crew awakens to prep the yacht for another charter. Johnny heads to the galley to apologize to Alesia for his too-soon kiss the night before. Alesia lets Johnny off the hook, calling their night out “good fun.”

On deck, the team helps remove the damaged jet ski so it can undergo repairs at the port. Afterward, Wihan heads inside, where Lara asks about his double breakup with Tzarina and Marina. Wihan admits that even after he ended things with these women, he still kissed Tzarina before bed. “Don’t mess with my girls,” Lara warns.

In the galley, Alesia admits that she is a green chef. Yet, Alesia desires to try new things in life, which will help differentiate her from her twin sister back on land. Despite her lack of experience, Tzarina remains thrilled, as Alesia desires to learn, not lament, in her galley.

Back on deck, Johnny admits that he likes Alesia. Likewise, Harry remains all in with Bri. But in the cabins, Bri reiterates that Harry keeps giving her mixed signals. Bri might have to walk away from Harry, she admits.

Wihan runs to the galley to tell Tzarina that Lara is angry with him. On cue, Lara walks in and confirms his statement. Wihan asks Lara if she wants to apologize for her anger towards him, which, what? Lara declines his ask.

Wihan heads back upstairs to admire Adair as she works. As the two swab the deck, Wihan admits that he likes her. In her confessional, Adair says nope, but on deck, she keeps things kind and aloof, ever the professional yachtie.

Wihan places his feelings and ego first as a new charter group boards the yacht

BDDU Season 3
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

Captain Jason holds a preference sheet meeting. Another group of females is coming on board, and they wish to visit La Digue, the number one beach in the world, complete with a tortoise sanctuary and a bike ride. Captain Jason warns his department heads that communication will be vital in making this excursion work.

Instead of staying to start this process, Wihan announces he needs to run off the yacht for a bit. But his exit is not deck-team-related. Instead, Wihan has run away to write a love letter to Adair. Harry and Johnny need Wihan, but he is nowhere to be found.

Wihan returns and stands in the doorway as their provisions arrive, making the ladies run up and down the dock with the boxes. After, Lara prepares her team for their next charter. She assigns Marina to housekeeping, which annoys Marina, who likes seeing sunlight, not laundry.

The next group of charter guests board the yacht. The primary thinks Captain Jason is checking out one of her guests, which, NO, THE BOY IS MINE, but whatever. Despite my feelings, this cute group of ladies appears to be upbeat and fun, which the BDDU yachties appreciate.

Lara and Wihan butt heads over Wihan’s unwillingness to work as a team

BDDU Season 3
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

Tzarina and Alesia get to work in the galley. In her confessional, Tzarina praises Alesia’s attitude. Alesia is teachable. And this trait is a win, Tzarina admits.

In the background, the already silly guests play with the automatic doors, giggling with their martinis as the doors open and close. Behind them, one falls to the floor laughing as another accidentally steps on her hair, pining her to the floor. “They’re gonna be good fun,” Lara quips.

On deck, Wihan shows his love letter to Harry. In his confessional, Harry laughs. The guests join them on deck, ready for fun in the sun.

In the interior, Lara prepares little shorts with fronds attached for the men, ensuring their dinner service will be a hit with their guests. Outside, she grabs Wihan for help, but Wihan tells her no.

“If we are just gonna walk off deck and start giving you a hand in the interior, then they are gonna start taking the piss out of that,” he explains. In a confessional, Lara slams Wihan for being “all about himself.” In his confessional, Wihan blames Lara, saying she is the only reason things are not getting done in the interior.

“For f*cks sake,” Wihan sighs once out of sight of Lara. Wihan advises his team to stop standing around looking free, as Lara wants help that Wihan does not wish to supply.

Johnny does not mind helping, he notes. Unlike his boss, Johnny understands the assignment.

The battle between Wihan and Lara ramps up before Wihan delivers his letter to Adair

Below Deck Down Under Season 3
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

Dinner service begins. Everyone looks fantastic. Sadly, Alesia over-seasoned the curry meant for the crew, but Johnny finds positive things to say, as he is smitten with Alesia.

The guests love their dinner. They also love the men’s outfits, which keep lessoning with each dish served. As dessert arrives, the guys are down to their speedos and fronds, which Wihan admits he dislikes wearing. Lara reminds Wihan that he stripped for their last guests, but her words land wrongly, as Wihan takes a shot at her in his confessional, saying that he is not “one of her minions.”

Wihan continues grumbling in the galley. Harry calls him out. “This is not about the silver hotpants,” Harry notes, stressing, “This is personal.” Yep, you clocked it, Harry.

Tzarina also tries helping, telling Wihan that Lara did not specifically order such tiny hotpants for the boys to wear. Nevertheless, Wihan remains frustrated with Lara. To help his feelings, Wihan slides his love letter underneath Adair’s door. She reads it, telling Marina that his words are sweet.

Lara helps Harry with his love life, but nothing can help Wihan, as his lack of oversight threatens to ruin this charter

BDDU Season 3
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

Lara tells Harry that Bri questions his feelings. Harry is shocked but states that he will work on fixing their relationship. He sends Bri a reassuring text, which does the trick. “Hell yeah,” Harry states in his bunk, reading Bri’s reply.

The beach picnic arrives, but poor communication checked in as a plus one. Tzarina, Lara, and Adair ask thought-provoking questions, but Wihan wants to play things by ear.

Wihan stays onboard as the others depart, ready to tackle the guest’s long-awaited beach day. Instead of working, as the others who remained on board are, Wihan approaches Alesia, wanting her to make a cheese board for a date with Adair that he has yet to make.

Alesia asks, “Was she not slightly put off [by] the fact that you’ve gone through half the crew?” Her words anger Wihan, who says he has not gone through anyone. Still, Alesia, my new favorite crew member, tells Wihan to make this himself, as she is busy.

“No, baby girl. This is not going to work like that,” Wihan argues in his interview, noting that a sous-chef is not vital enough of a gig to be too busy for him. EW.

On land, the guests enjoy their bike rides around the beach. The camera pans to the yacht, showing Wihan calling Alesia a “stupid f*cking person.” On this same note, the guests are tired, as their bike ride is longer than expected. It seems Wihan forgot to factor in travel time, and this lack of oversight threatens to ruin the entire schedule for this excursion.

Wihan, good luck with the fallout of this day.

Below Deck Down Under continues Mondays at 8/7c on Bravo.


This story originally appeared on Realitytea


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