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HomeTVSummer House Season 9, Episode 5 Recap

Summer House Season 9, Episode 5 Recap

Welcome to the recap for Summer House Season 9, Episode 5. Last week, it was all things pink when Lindsay’s gender reveal scavenger hunt resulted in the news she was having a baby girl. And even Carl joined in on the fun. Unfortunately, the light mood didn’t last long once Kyle and Paige faced off over his rage texts. Would Kyle offer a sincere apology to Paige? Here’s exactly what went down in Summer House Season 9, Episode 5: “Red Flags and Beach Bags.”

What happened in Summer House Season 9, Episode 5?

Photo Credit: Eugene Gologursky/Bravo

The war was over between Kyle and Paige, at least for now. However, Kyle still had to face off with Craig. And Paige and Craig had a face-off of their own regarding their relationship’s future. Meanwhile, Lexi gave Jesse one month to commit, but Jesse wasn’t sure if he was up for the challenge. He was concerned about her jealousy issues, which he continued to inflame by flirting with Ciara. No red flags here!

Was Lindsay single-momming it up?

Lindsay Hubbard
Photo Credit: Kareem Black/Bravo

It didn’t take long for Paige and Kyle to come to a meeting of the minds. Kyle apologized for rage-texting her about Craig and Hannah betraying his trust but noted he felt like his business was under attack. He said, “At a certain point, I’m no longer Teflon, and I f*cking crumble.” Paige took it in stride and promised they would always be friends. But she couldn’t promise that Craig would feel the same.

Once that was resolved, the music turned back on, and everyone went about their business at the beach. Lindsay measured up her preggers boob size against Ciara’s, which resulted in Lexi feeling insecure about Jesse paying attention to them. She said, “I brought up to Jesse, I want you to gas up the girls, but don’t make it look like you’re trying to date them.” Good luck with that.

Then the topic of Lindsay raising her baby in the city came up. Danielle was shocked to learn that Lindsay didn’t live with her boyfriend, Turner. Aren’t these two supposed to be besties? Lindsay said she didn’t want to add any more pressure, and they would move at a normal pace. Danielle wondered, “A normal couple pace? I think the ship has sailed on the normal couple pace. If it’s going well, why wouldn’t you want him physically there all of the time?”

She told Lindsay, “I just don’t want it to feel like you’re single momming this up.” Lindsay was dumbfounded that Danielle couldn’t understand them taking time, even though she got pregnant quickly. She said, “What I have learned: nothing is guaranteed. So let’s be realistic and practical for once.”

West wasn’t ready to be open about his dating life on Summer House

Summer House Season 9
Photo Credit: Ralph Bavaro/Bravo

Jesse and West had their own little goss sesh. West asked him why he hadn’t talked about Lexi all day. Jesse admitted, “I’m just feeling weird.” In his confessional, Jesse said he hadn’t given other girls a chance, and if he didn’t give one to Lexi, he would regret it. So, why does it feel like he already does?

Then West moved on to what was really on his mind, himself. He said he felt bad for ditching the group last night to go hook up with some rando on a couch. Jesse said, “I think we’re at a point now where, like, if you’re dating and hooking up with people, you don’t have to hide it.” But West was still scared sh*tless from Ciara’s Traitors take down.

Later that evening, the group split up for dinner. Carl, West, Paige, Amanda, and Jesse all went out while the rest of the crew stayed home. But before Jesse could leave, Lexi held onto his hand with a death grip. She told him, “I want you to text me how much you like me nonstop.” I can’t.

Ciara then wanted the tea from Kyle about his convo with Paige at the beach. He shared all the positives, but then it quickly turned negative when Imrul asked if he had a good relationship with Craig. Kyle told them, “I care more about my friendship with Paige than Craig.” Oop.

Jesse put being exclusive with Lexi on pause during Summer House Season 9

Jesse Solomon Summer House
Photo Credit: Noam Galai/BRAVO

The dinner got spicy as soon as Jesse, Paige, Amanda, Carl, and West sat down. Jesse said, “I need to be quick-witted if I’m going to keep up with Paige.” Paige joked that the attention was back on her now that Lexi was MIA. She said, “In a different timeline, we’re married.” Carl felt like chopped liver, but Paige promised she’d cheat on Jesse with him in the pantry. Now those were the days!

Carl then dropped the bomb he’s been celibate since breaking up with Lindsay. Paige observed, “Carl became a priest, and Lindsay’s pregnant with her third child.” But after seeing Lindsay move on, Carl was ready to do the same. 

Jesse then spilled the tea that Lexi gave him a timeline on committing to her. He said, “I thought I was going to be leaving this weekend exclusive with her, and now I don’t.” Amanda wondered if he felt pressured. Jesse shared, “She said I have one month to decide.” Tick, tock!

The next morning Jesse and Lexi had a little heart-to-heart. He said, “I just want to make sure that we’re totally aligned. We’ll hopefully build that trust, and you’ll know that my intentions are pure. I wouldn’t like be dating you if they weren’t.”

Lexi admitted she was jealous. It also didn’t help she heard Jesse’s a “boob guy” over and over in her head. Jesse reassured her he was all about the booty. But it seemed Lexi wouldn’t feel secure until she locked it down.

Paige and Craig were not on the same page

Craig Conover and Summer House star Paige DeSorbo
Photo Credit: Eugene Gologursky/Bravo

At the pool, the group greeted Imrul as “orgy beast” for bringing another girl back. That’s when he surprised everyone when he said he used to be married. Not Casanova? Imrul shared, “I still believe in love. I still believe in finding someone who does make you happy … But in the interim, I’m not going to settle for anything less.” 

Jesse then did some friendly flirting with Ciara. He told Ciara that Lexi would try to be more open, but then he brought up the boob comment. She laughed, “I love you so much. You’re just a guy.” Jesse asked, “Do you have a crush on me?” Ciara gave a prompt no. But she admitted “stupid boys” were her kryptonite. And Jesse was glowing green. 

Paige had a dinner date with her man Craig back in the city. And things did not go well. Craig was ready to settle down, but Paige didn’t want the Stepford wife life. Her career was on a hot streak, and that was her focus. Paige said, “I can’t even find two weeks to freeze my eggs.”

Craig said, “It’s a bummer sometimes because I think we are so busy … it feels like we live a single life.” Paige agreed they needed to prioritize their relationship. But then Craig dropped a bomb. He said, “If you were this busy for the rest of our lives, I wouldn’t see this working out.” A shocked Paige asked, “Are you breaking up with me in an Australian restaurant?” Who knew their downfall began over some kangaroo skewers?

Summer House continues Wednesdays at 9/8c on Bravo.


This story originally appeared on Realitytea


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