If you are trying to chase the lightning of today’s Connections puzzle, but are finding yourself falling a little short, you can catch up using a few little tricks to help you out. I found today’s puzzle hard in places that I wouldn’t have expected, and easier in places that I usually find more difficult. However, now that I have the puzzle’s secrets in hand, I can impart them to you to help you end your frustration and get the right answer.
The other puzzle that is often up with the Connections puzzle is the NYT’s Wordle puzzle. It was the one that really took off not that long ago, and people are still keeping up with their streaks. It’s a nice puzzle to try out if you haven’t because you have a few more guesses and only one word to deduce compared to the Connections puzzle. If you find you like a bit more direct logical deduction and a little less category-solving, then Wordle might be the one for you.
Today’s Connections Category Hints
MARCH 20 #648
There are several interesting things with today’s puzzle, and I definitely solved it in a very backward manner. The easy categories were hard for me and the hard ones stood out right away. I’m not sure why I had that trouble, but I think it has to do with two specific words that I will elaborate on in the categories they ended up in. For now, here are four clues that may help you solve the puzzle on your own without looking at the spoilers.
- One category is about words that describe how you might speak
- One category is about four different places you might find the same substance
- One category is about four different kinds of the same thing that is often used to connect something
- One category is about four different things that can be found in another object – that object is something you likely have in a cabinet

12 Letter Boxed Strategies To Win Quickly
The Letter Boxed game for the New York Times mobile app asks you to connect letters to form words while using various strategies to win quickly.
If you still need a few more hints to light your way, the category names are the next best option for you. They should make it possible to solve the puzzle on your own without too much trouble. If you still need a bit more, the spoilers will be waiting.
Today’s Connections Answers
MARCH 20 #648
Yellow Answers: Revealed & Explained
This one was the hardest for me today, and I think it had to do with SOUND and FRANK. SOUND looks like it should go with VOCAL and LOUD, while FRANK just doesn’t seem like it should be in this category at all at first glance. I did eventually remember that FRANK is a word that can describe how you speak. DIRECT was also a weird one for me to think about being here, but luckily I was able to solve all the other categories first so I didn’t need to think too hard about this one.
Green Answers: Revealed & Explained
This one I had very early but I was missing SOUND as the final word. I didn’t really see anything that looked like a body of water, but eventually, I had eight words left and SOUND seemed like the only thing that made any sense at all. That made it a bit easier, but having to get there through the two hardest categories is always a bit of a challenge. Luckily, I was up for it today but that isn’t always the case.

NYT Mini Crossword: 8 Strategies To Solve It Fast
This tricky little five by five crossword isn’t always as easy as it looks; here are a couple easy tips and tricks to beat your friends’ times!
Blue Answers: Revealed & Explained
This one was the easiest one for me today, and it comes down to EXTENSION and UMBILICAL. I saw the two of them and thought it was a bit odd, and then I saw BUNGEE and I knew it wasn’t a coincidence. I was able to find SPINAL last, as it’s not a traditional cord, but I wasn’t sure which category it would be when I finally finished it. It’s always a little disheartening to solve a harder one first, as that means the “easy” one isn’t as obvious as you want it to be.
Purple Answers: Revealed & Explained
After I saw GENIE and SHIP, this category dawned on me. I was able to grab this one pretty fast after the previous one, and it helped that these all are fairly well-known pop culture references. GENIEs aren’t usually in a bottle, but the concept is similar enough that it was easier to recognize, even over the easy categories for me today. I think my brain might just be a little weird sometimes.
Other Games Like Connections
If you are like me and want to keep puzzling today, try out one of the options in the box below.

- Released
June 12, 2023
- Developer(s)
The New York Times Company
- Publisher(s)
The New York Times Company
- Platform(s)
Web Browser, Mobile
This story originally appeared on Screenrant