Friday, March 21, 2025

HomeMOVIESToday's Connections Hints & Answers For March 21, 2025 (Puzzle #649)

Today’s Connections Hints & Answers For March 21, 2025 (Puzzle #649)

If you are struggling to figure out today’s Connections puzzle, you can help yourself out by looking at a few hints to give you the proper nudge. I found today’s puzzle oddly difficult, even though I was very close to the right answers multiple times. It’s one of those where you can dance around the right answers quite a lot and never get to the full category, which I find the most frustrating and hardest type of puzzle. Hopefully, with the following hints, I can give you the tricks you need to get them.

If you want to try out a different way to play with words, the NYT’s Letter Boxed puzzle is one of the ones that gives you a difficult challenge without punishing you for experimenting with answers. You can play with different answers as long as you want, so long as the day doesn’t expire. It’s a fun one to play around with, and you get to bounce around the walls to figure it out, which I enjoy quite a bit.

Today’s Connections Category Hints

MARCH 21 #649

If you need some extra hints, you are in the right place. There are some interesting different things to think about, and it was very challenging for me to get just the right combination of four words. You will want to really think about each of your answers, but I also surprised myself with one of them, so trust your instincts if you have a really good feeling about one of them. Here are some hints to help you get those instincts kicking:

  • One category is about things that present a full picture
  • One category is about words that can describe a particularly grandiose figure
  • One category is about four things that are all used in the same profession to create a draft
  • One category is about four words that follow a different word in a phrase – that word is something you might find at a gym


NYT Mini Crossword: 8 Strategies To Solve It Fast

This tricky little five by five crossword isn’t always as easy as it looks; here are a couple easy tips and tricks to beat your friends’ times!

If you are still looking for something to help things go down smoothly, you can use the category names to help you narrow the word choices down. Otherwise, skip on ahead to the spoilers if you are struggling with a single category or just want to solve this one fast.

A yellow Connections game bar


A green Connections game bar


A blue Connections game bar


A purple Connections game bar

BAR ___

Today’s Connections Answers

MARCH 21 #649

Compass in Connections Answers March 21

Yellow Answers: Revealed & Explained

A yellow Connections game bar






This one was really hard for me to marry down, for whatever reason. I think it was that I wasn’t sure what the fourth “circular” word was, I had SOAP in there a couple of times, but SCENE didn’t make a lot of sense to me to belong here. Now it makes a little more sense, but it feels like a pretty big trick for the easy category, but my brain was a little tired trying to solve this one, so that may be why it didn’t make sense at the time.

Green Answers: Revealed & Explained

A green Connections game bar






This one I thought I had guessed at least once, but I apparently missed a word in there. I believe it was LION that I had swapped out, maybe for WORLD, but I don’t remember the specifics now. I was frustrated when my initial guess failed, and I moved onto a different category and got it wrong as well, which wasn’t helpful. My biggest tip is to step away when you get frustrated, because then you just start making silly guesses like me.


8 NYT Tiles Strategies To Score Huge Combos

The Tiles game for the New York Times mobile app asks you to use various strategies to pair matching visual patterns together to build huge combos.

Blue Answers: Revealed & Explained

A blue Connections game bar






This one I surprised myself with, because I apparently know far more about architectural drawing than I thought I did or should. I have never taken a class or looked too hard into it, but I was really into map-making for a little while, which might be why I picked up on this. I will say I wasn’t sure what the T-SQUARE was for, but I saw the other tools and thought it made sense for it to go there. It gave me hope for the rest of the puzzle, but unfortunately, I missed the others.

Purple Answers: Revealed & Explained

A purple Connections game bar

BAR ___





I was very close to this one as well, as I had connected bar MITZVAH and bar SOAP. However, I didn’t think of CHART or EXAM in those terms, but I had them grouped together as well. It was tough to get these two different pairs together, as that didn’t make sense to me as I looked at the puzzle. Unfortunately, I really needed one more category to come somewhat easily to me, and that just didn’t happen today.

Other Games Like Connections

If you are still are looking for something to solve, you can look at one of the good ones listed in the box below.

Game Name

How To Play

Is It Free To Play?

Wordle (NYT)

Solve a random five-letter word by using color clues. Every Wordle answer can be found in our daily updated list.


Hello Wordl

Very similar to Wordle, where players change the number of letters in the word.


The Password Game

Create a password in this ever-changing, not-so-simple game. You can find some helpful tips in our Password Game guide.



Name a country based only on its silhouette, and a few geographical hints.




June 12, 2023


The New York Times Company


The New York Times Company




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This story originally appeared on Screenrant


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