If you are looking to fly through today’s Connections puzzle, you can get through this one without too much trouble using a few hints. I found this one a bit frustrating for a few different reasons, which I will explain in the spoilers section. However, if you also find it frustrating, I can help get you past that emotion and get to solving the puzzle with a few nudges in the right direction. It’s not a perfect solution, but it will get you a win.
If you are looking for a puzzle that has a smaller timeframe to complete it in but has the feel of a newspaper game, you can try out the NYT’s Mini Crossword puzzle. It has a fair amount of challenge without feeling like it would take all day to decipher. This is due to its smaller size, which feels like a nice bite-sized puzzle that should only take a small break to complete. I really like this one, and whenever I feel the need to complete a crossword, it’s this one that I usually pull up.
Today’s Connections Category Hints
MARCH 23 #651
If you need some hints for this one, it makes a lot of sense as I was wanting some hints for this one as well. There were two main words that I think are quite tricky to put in the right categories, and one of them doesn’t actually feel like it belongs there at all even knowing the right answers. However, for now, here are four main clues that should give you a nudge in the right direction and help you get the answers:
- One category is about words that describe the feeling of being caught up in something
- One category is about four different things that share a feature that can all be described using the same word
- One category is about four words that come before a different word in a phrase – that word is a popular accessory
- One category is about words that all exist in the same chant

8 NYT Tiles Strategies To Score Huge Combos
The Tiles game for the New York Times mobile app asks you to use various strategies to pair matching visual patterns together to build huge combos.
If you need a bit more to go on, the category names might just be the thing for you. However, with this puzzle, I’d say looking at the category answers for the one giving you the most trouble is likely to be the most helpful.
Today’s Connections Answers
MARCH 23 #651
Yellow Answers: Revealed & Explained
This is the one that frustrated me the most, and it comes down to ENTRANCE. These are clearly all verbs, and the intention is for it to be an action, but ENTRANCE is not any of those things. Perhaps I’d accept “make an entrance” but even that doesn’t actually mean that you’ve managed to captivate anyone. It is just something a person has done. To be fair, none of the other words really work here either, but at least FLY is a verb. ENTRANCE is too much of a leap for me to feel satisfied with it as an answer.
Green Answers: Revealed & Explained
Now, this category I think is tough but fair. The first three all caught my attention and had them all together, but HOSPITAL wouldn’t make sense at first glance. There are “wings” in a hospital, or most big buildings, so it does fit in, and makes total sense for it to be here once you understand that distinction. However, I can also see where this would be quite difficult to connect if you either don’t know that or even if you are trying to think of things that can fly generally speaking.

10 Best Connections Tips, Tricks, & Strategies
Four categories with four words each sounds simple, but the daily challenge of the Connections game can prove difficult without a few tips to help.
Blue Answers: Revealed & Explained
This was by far the easiest category to me. It’s a challenge to put together, but it does make sense and none of the words are surprising to me. They are all watches. I did get this one first, and I found it very interesting that it ended up being this far down the difficulty chain. However, I will say that I understood what the categories for the first two were right away, it was just a matter of figuring out what the game wanted the fourth word to be, which is where I got frustrated.
Purple Answers: Revealed & Explained
This awakened far too many childhood memories that I had totally forgotten. I have determined that I could do the entire thing in my sleep. That said, it was a nice little memory-trip, and it made this puzzle a little less frustrating than it would have been otherwise. I am glad that you would have had an easier time with the clues and the answers, and I hope you also had a nice trip down memory lane.
Other Games Like Connections
Try out Crosswordle if you want something that has the challenge of a crossword with the guesswork of the Wordle puzzle.

- Released
June 12, 2023
- Developer(s)
The New York Times Company
- Publisher(s)
The New York Times Company
- Platform(s)
Web Browser, Mobile
This story originally appeared on Screenrant