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HomeOpinionEven by Biden's own flawed standards, he himself is a flagrant sexist

Even by Biden’s own flawed standards, he himself is a flagrant sexist

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have complained endlessly about the country’s supposed “gender pay gap.”

Yet new data show the Biden White House has a glaring “wage gap” of its own.

In June, the president released his annual report disclosing salary data for his White House staff.

And now, American Enterprise Institute economist Mark Perry has analyzed that data and found glaring gender disparities in pay among Biden’s own staff.

According to this analysis, when generalizing across all job titles, women working for Biden earn just 80 cents for every dollar a man earns.

Female staffers have a median salary of $84,000, while their male counterparts fare much better, earning a median salary of $105,000.

Sexism alert! Biden himself has used this exact kind of general data, which fails to account for many other factors, as evidence of widespread sexist discrimination in the workforce.

“Women — working full-time, year-round — are paid 84 cents for every dollar paid to men,” Biden once wrote in one of his many tweets lamenting gender pay discrepancies.

“Those disparities are more pronounced for women of color and women with disabilities. On Equal Pay Day, we call attention to an injustice that undermines women’s economic security.”

American Enterprise Institute economist Mark Perry has analyzed that data and found glaring gender disparities in pay among Biden’s staff.
AFP via Getty Images

Vice President Kamala Harris has similarly weighed into the “wage gap” debate, lamenting that women don’t get “equal pay for equal work” and calling it an “injustice.”

So, is the Biden White House itself committing an “injustice” and “undermining women’s economic security?”

If we hold the president to his own standards, then he most certainly is.

But the reality is more complicated.

The reason women earn less than men, on average, in Biden’s White House is in part due to the fact that they are working different jobs.

As The Wall Street Journal reports, “there are more women in lower-paid roles such as staff assistant.”

So, it’s not necessarily the case that women are being discriminated against and paid less than male counterparts in the same job.

That means Biden’s not necessarily doing anything wrong, right?

Kamala Harris
Vice President Kamala Harris has similarly weighed into the “wage gap” debate, lamenting that women don’t get “equal pay for equal work” and calling it an “injustice.”

Just one problem: The data that Biden, Harris and their ideological allies use all the time to argue that women in America do not receive “equal pay for equal work” is similarly aggregated irrespective of occupation and other factors.

That’s right: The statistics they most often use to lament the gender pay gap compare the genders regardless of their differences in jobs worked and education, a much more likely explanation for pay discrepancies than rampant sexist discrimination, which is illegal.

When you actually compare men and women who are similarly situated in terms of occupation and educational attainment, the gender “pay gap” shrinks to just roughly 3 to 5 cents on the dollar.

So, it’s not entirely non-existent — and any working woman will tell you that workplace sexism is a real thing — but it’s much less drastic than the picture painted by progressives. (Indeed other factors can explain some of the remaining gap.)

Yet as far as Biden is concerned, one of two things must be true: Either the White House is wildly sexist and discriminating against its female employees, or the president’s own employment practices debunk his endlessly recited narrative about the gender “gap.”

Bet on the latter: Indeed, if anything, the Biden White House is probably extra eager to hire and promote women as part of its embrace of identity politics.

But don’t Biden off the hook. Time and time again, whether it’s flouting their own COVID-19 restrictions or failing to live up to their own “woke” standards, liberal elites and “progressive” politicians don’t play by the rules they want to force on everyone else.

It’s long past time the public sees through the spin — and stops tolerating this blatant hypocrisy from the people who are supposed to be our leaders.

Brad Polumbo (@Brad_Polumbo) is an independent journalist and the co-founder of BASEDPolitics.

This story originally appeared on NYPost

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