Sunday, September 29, 2024
HomeOpinionTeachers union chief calls private schools 'fascist', yet sends her son to...

Teachers union chief calls private schools ‘fascist’, yet sends her son to one

Chicago Teachers Union President Stacy Davis-Gates loves to call private schools “fascist” and “racist” — but it turns out she sends her son to one.

Davis-Gates has long bragged about how her children go to the Chicago public schools. But she recently got outed as sending a son to a prestigious private Catholic school on Chicago’s south side, De La Salle Institute (average tuition: $14,750 a year).

Good for her as a mom, choosing what’s best for her boy.

But this makes her rhetoric calling school choice “actually the choice of racists” and private schools “segregation academies” utterly damning.

She even helped kill an Illinois program providing grants to underprivileged children for private-school tuition; when it ends in January 2025, some 9,000 kids will lose out on what she provides for her own son.

That doesn’t merely make her a hypocrite: It means she knows her rhetoric is untrue — but spouts it anyway in service to her powerful union.

That is, she’s demonizing others for power and profit — a hallmark of actual fascists, in most people’s books.

This story originally appeared on NYPost

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