If you are struggling to get to the heart of today’s Connections puzzle, you can get forward right to them with a few hints from us. Today isn’t quite as complex as yesterday, but you still need to pay attention to the details. There are some fairly disconnected words in this puzzle that have more connections than you think they do. However, that’s where I come in, and I can help you get to the end without losing your streak.
For today’s suggestion, I think you should try out the NYT’s Spelling Bee puzzle. Out of all of these games, this one has my favorite aesthetic. It’s cute, it has honey bees, and the letters are sitting in little honeycombs to make you even happier when you see it. It’s a nice hit of dopamine, even if the puzzle itself can make you frustrated at times. I don’t think it’s my favorite puzzle to solve, but I do love the way it makes me feel when I load it up.
Today’s Connections Category Hints
MARCH 19 #647
if you need a good boost today, you can get there using a few hints that are found in the bullet points below. However, if you really pay attention, I do sometimes hide hints elsewhere as well. That said, you don’t need those hidden hints because the ones I have in the bullet points are the most helpful and most straightforward. If you don’t want to fully spoil the puzzle for yourself, this is the first place to start looking:
- One category is about what a word actually does
- One category is about things you might find if you’re looking around your screen right now
- One category is about four things that you likely see every time you leave your house
- One category is about four words that come after a certain phrase – that phrase is usually used in languages other than English

Wordle History: Archive Of All Past Words Used
Wordle is a simple daily word game that has taken the internet by storm. With only 6 chances to get the right answer, players may need a little help.
If you are still looking for the right hints, you can use these category names to help steer you in the right direction. However, if you just want to know what words are in a given category, keep scrolling to the answers.
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Today’s Connections Answers
MARCH 19 #647
Yellow Answers: Revealed & Explained
This one didn’t feel quite as easy as a yellow category typically does. Even though it’s definition-based, there were other words that could mess with the logic here. MEDIAN is one of them, and I think MODE could easily be as well. However, once you get through some of the other categories, this one does become a lot easier. That’s always true, but I think it’s especially true for this one (maybe because that’s how it played out for me). Either way, I got this one second-to-last, so I felt like it was a bit harder than usual.
Green Answers: Revealed & Explained
This one I got second and it was EXTENSIONS that caught my attention as I was searching for the next category I wanted to solve. Seeing FORWARD and REFRESH made me think it was a good candidate for a category. It took me a little while to figure out what the last word was. I thought both EXPRESS and MODE could go here for a moment, but neither of them sounded right. BACK was in the corner of my puzzle hiding, but I finally pulled it out.

12 Letter Boxed Strategies To Win Quickly
The Letter Boxed game for the New York Times mobile app asks you to connect letters to form words while using various strategies to win quickly.
Blue Answers: Revealed & Explained
This was actually the first category I got, but I did have some thoughts about it. Seeing DIVIDER and LANE got my attention right away, and MEDIAN felt like it should fit in quite well. I then had a little crisis about whether the last two words should be MEDIAN, SHOULDER, or EXPRESS. All of them are types of roads or lanes or things found on a road, and I swapped between them a couple of times before I settled on this combination and was fortunately correct.
Purple Answers: Revealed & Explained
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This one was interesting, but CARTE and PLANCHA I thought likely belonged together. However, none of the other words seemed to be in the same kind of category, and I actually looked up PLANCHA to see what it meant and if that had anything to do with the category. It didn’t. However, it’s much easier to get it when it’s the last category, and that’s what I did.
Other Games Like Connections
Check out Nerdle if you want a much more math-based puzzling game.

- Released
June 12, 2023
- Developer(s)
The New York Times Company
- Publisher(s)
The New York Times Company
- Platform(s)
Web Browser, Mobile
This story originally appeared on Screenrant