Sex and the City Council
I speak of a formerly sitting congresscreature who was jailed.
Remember Anthony Weiner talking about his own extended wiener to some 15-year-old little girl who hadn’t requested it? Must be the guy’s thing needed airing.
Lest we forget: He had just deliberately unzipped and flashed that hairpin growing out of him. On camera. Photographed his whatever and sent it to a lady (or ladies) he didn’t know.
His political career quickly dumped him. He got prison. Understand, once he served his time and got out there was no phone call to FedEx or Amazon to get near him. Nobody requested to even stand near him. Smell near. Use the john near.
Like in that nursery rhyme with those little pigs trotting to market? A sitting US congressman flashing his — possibly even recently utilized — undesired extended penis?
Mind, no long list requested this appendage be sent. We’re not talking a waiting list. Maybe not even room enough left on it to gift wrap — forget a bow.
Radio inactive
By the time he got out of jail WABC-AM, 770 on the dial, had become NY’s No. 1 news radio station.
Owner John Catsimatidis, who helps everyone, allowed him to have a radio program Saturdays 2 to 4. Was it great? Weiner broke no records unless maybe he dropped some on the floor.
He told the station he did not — NOT — want back into politics. That was then. This is now.
He built an audience on his radio program and now wants back into politics. He doesn’t know how to do anything else. Showing his penis is all he knows.
Catsimatidis and WABC’s president Chad Lopez explained that — to protect the station’s FCC license — anyone seeking public office must get removed from their airwaves.
Curtis Sliwa and Frank Morano complied. The Big Weiner would not. Conning is all he knows.
Result: He hollered. Screamed. Everyone in WABC heard him. Probably so did Biden’s ear doctor. Loud, unhappy, upset, Weiner did all but unzip.
So: Late news from the station is he is no longer there: WEINER GOT CUT OFF.
Do-it-yourself grooming
Everybody’s pushing something. At winter’s end divorces are big.
Ziba Graham Jr. wrote “Fix Your Marriage Without Counseling: A Practical Method Men Will Appreciate.”
Brad Pitt, before he gets hitched again, to Ines de Ramon, could grab a copy.
Ditto George Foreman, Billy Bob Thornton, Nic Cage, James Cameron, Martin Scorsese, Tom Cruise. (Larry King and Mickey Rooney could have used it before meeting their maker.)
All wed multiple times. Maybe more by the time you read this.
A New Yorker: “A thief returned the Bloomies merch they stole from me and that very same day put the credit onto a gift card. Bloomies’ security team, aware of the situation, is checking at which counter my stolen stuff was returned, and what time, so they can be on the lookout for this winner. They even presented me with a new gift card, so I can replace the stolen items! Extremely grateful.”
OY! Only in New York, kids, only in New York.
This story originally appeared on NYPost